Times To Call Your Divorce Attorney During Your Divorce

For the most part, the times you'll be communicating with your divorce attorney while your marriage is dissolving will be when documents are required, there is a question about your finances or assets, or you have a court date for child custody or other things. However, there are other times you'll want to get in touch with your divorce attorney while your case is still ongoing, and you don't want to miss out on opportunities for discussion.

You can communicate with your divorce attorney via phone, email, or even text, if they allow it. Most divorce attorneys charge by the hour, including the time they take in communicating during your case, so take the time you need to get hold of your attorney outside of normal communication seriously. Here are times you need to call your divorce attorney when your marriage is ending.

When the other party removes something from the home

In a typical divorce setting, the couple keeps everything in the home until the divorce is finalized and what has been divvied out between people has been set by a judge or mediator. If you have items in the home that have not been decided upon as far as who gets what and the other party removes them from your home, call your divorce attorney so they can document the situation — especially if you choose to get the police involved in a civil case against your soon-to-be ex.

When you decide to leave the home

In a best-case scenario, nobody should leave the family home, particularly if there are children involved, until the divorce is finalized. This is because voluntarily leaving your home before the divorce is finalized can put you in a negative light and put you at risk of abandoning your home and family. If you absolutely cannot live at home anymore and your living situation has changed — including if you have decided to stay in the home and the other person moved out — your divorce attorney needs to be called right away.

When the other party's lawyer contacts you

You have a divorce attorney for a reason, so if the other person's lawyer tries to contact you or is repeatedly sending you documents and correspondence personally, let your lawyer know. Your divorce attorney will set the record straight and steer all legalities regarding your divorce to themselves so you can keep your case going strong and worry less about your situation and focus more on moving on with your life. Ethically, lawyers should not contact represented parties personally.

If you find yourself with any more questions, you should always call a divorce attorney, like Bray & Johnson Law Firm.
